Breaking News! Labs Mix Human and Dog DNA

Breaking News! Labs Mix Human and Dog DNA final 

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Mujer con obesidad mórbida bajó 250 libras luego de terminar con su novio.

Mujer con obesidad mórbida bajó mas de 250 libras despues de dejar a su novio, ella solia ingerir 13mil calorias al dia!

Patty Sánchez era alentada a subir de peso.
Llegó a pesar 327 kilos o 720 libras, y lo hizo a propósito. Patty Sánchez pasó años ganando peso para convertirse en la mujer más gorda del mundo, todo debido a su novio, un “alimentador”, con el que terminó y salvó su vida.

A sus 51 años, Patty ha logrado bajar más de 100 kilos o 120 libras, luego de romper el ciclo vicioso en el que se encontraba, donde su ex novio y sus fans la alentaban para que lo hiciera, llegando a consumir más de 13 mil calorías por día.
Pero luego de terminar con su novio, con quien estuvo durante 10 años, decidió bajar de peso. “Era tremenda, y sentía que estaba muriendo lentamente”, declaró Patty al Daily Mail. “La pérdida de peso tuvo mucho que ver con el quiebre con mi ex. Me estaba sirviendo todas las comidas todos los días, y cuando terminamos tuve que cuidarme sola”,explicó sobre el proceso de cambio por el que actualmente está pasando.
“En mi peor momento, no podía caminar tres pasos al baño sin perder el aliento. Comencé a preocuparme porque no iba a poder estar ahí para mis tres hijos y cinco nietos”, comenta la mujer que cuando estaba con su novio no lograba darse cuenta del mal que le hacía. “Aprendí a hacerme mis propias comidas y a elegir que quería comer en vez de comer lo que me daban para ganar peso”, explica, agregando que comenzó a incluir ensaladas, pollo,y frutas en su dieta, dejando de lado los carbohidratos.
Asu novio le gustaba alimentarla y verla engordar, y ella se sentía sexy complaciéndolo, por eso dejó que la “engordara” todos esos años. “El 90% de nuestra relación estaba relacionada con la comida. Yo amaba cocinar y comer y él amaba mirarme comer y acariciar mi panza”, revela. “Mientras más grande me ponía, más me amaba él, y eso me hacía feliz”, cuenta Patty, que se alimentaba con comida chatarra y frituras desde el desayuno hasta la noche.
Pero las cosas comenzaron a ponerse extrañas cuando su pareja comenzó a preocuparse en exceso por el tema de la comida, e incluso creó un grupo de personas que pagaban por alimentarla y ver cómo subía de peso, incluso cuando él se iba a trabajar. “Se puso extraño en un punto, y sentí que ya no era a nivel personal. Dejé de interesarme y nos separamos”, cuenta sobre su relación.
Cuando se quedó sola, comenzó el verdadero calvario. Su novio la ayudaba a hacer todo, y ahora hasta ir al baño le costaba mucho, y se demoraba más de 20 minutos en volver a su cama, donde pasaba la mayoría del tiempo. No cabía en la ducha, y ni siquiera podía dejar la casa.
Ahí, y con el apoyo de sus hijos, comenzó este cambio, que la tiene comiendo 3 mil calorías al día, y ha logrado bajar más de 100 kilos. “No tengo arrepentimientos porque logré volver a mis sentidos y salvar mi vida”, concluye Patty sobre su experiencia.

Giant Anaconda Attacks The Poor Dog. But What Happens Next Is Amazing!

Giant Anaconda Attacks The Poor Dog. But What Happens Next Is Amazing! 

In this video clip you can watch Giant Anaconda Attacks The Poor Dog. But What Happens Next Is Amazing . this video clip is a realy amazing video clip . i full hope you like this video clip so watch this video clip and enjoy it . thanks for watching this video clip . 

i full hope you like this video clip. if you like this video clip kindly share this video clip with your own friends i hope your all friends like this video clip. Thanks for watching this video clip . 

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Model Spends $120,000 On 15 Surgeries And Has Six Ribs Removed To Look Like Her Cartoon Idol

Lots of women would love to be Jessica Rabbit. With her impossibly tiny waist, inflated cleavage and doll-like face, she is the perfectly exaggerated cartoon woman.

Pixee Fox, 25, who is originally from Sweden but now lives in North Carolina, recently had six ribs removed as part of her transformation to look like a living cartoon character

But Pixee Fox, 25, is very much a living, breathing woman and she's spent more than $119,200 (£79,160) on surgical procedures to achieve her look.

Most shockingly, the former electrician from Sweden has had six of her lower ribs removed in a bid to shrink her waist to a record-breaking 14 inches.

The former electrician has a list of surgeries planned for 2016 to continue her transformation

'People often come up to me and say, "Don't take this the wrong way, but you look like a cartoon". she says. 'But for me that's a compliment, that's what I want to achieve.'

Pixee cites her inspirations as Jessica Rabbit, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Holli Would from Cool World.

She has 70,000 followers on Instagram and insists she is a good role model for them.

Pictured before her transofrmation, Pixee still had a stunning figure, but she said she was inspired to go under the knife because she wants to look like Jessica Rabbit, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Holli Would from Cool World

'Those cartoon characters represent the idealisation of the female body,' she explains.

'I want to have the tiny waist, the butt, big boobs, big eyes and a really pretty face.

'Having my ribs removed was just another step in achieving that ideal.'

Next year Pixee will have butt and hip implants, eyelash implants, and fat removal to help make her cheeks 'pop' more

Pixee, who now lives in North Carolina, underwent the extreme five-hour keyhole surgery to have her ribs removed in Indianapolis last month after Dr Barry Eppley agreed to perform the procedure.

The operation, which is irreversible, is usually performed for medical reasons, but it can be done for cosmetic purposes after extensive consultation.

'Getting my ribs removed has always been a dream of mine,' Pixee says. 'But it was really hard, almost impossible, to find a surgeon to do it.

Girls Who Hit Guys That Didn’t Expect To Get Punched Back

If you are getting punched in the face, what are you suppose to do?

understand that the following video may be disturbing for some people

Guess What Happens When A Teen At A Rave Decides To Lick A Frog To Get High...

Who was the first person to follow a friend’s suggestion that they lick a toad to try and catch the eternal buzz? Didn’t they know they should, “Say no to toads?” It has long been bantered about that a species of toad, one, Bufo Alvarius, can cause great hallucinations to a person so inclined to have oral with it’s bumpy, oozing glands. Supposedly, the Bufo’s glands contain the psychoactive ingredient Bufoteinne, a/k/a 5-meO-DMT, a substance known by chemists to be intoxicating with psychedelic effect. 

One night, at a rave, when she realized she’d lost her Ecstasy pills, a Colorado teen, Sammy Blythe, age 17, decided to seek out a random toad and lick and suck the oozing glands upon its back. Much to her dismay. She and a friend dipped down toward a nearby river and corralled the largest specimen of toad they could locate. It was there and then that Sammy Blythe grabbed up the monster and began to lick and suck that toad like no tomorrow. The friend managed to snap a photograph of the occurrence there riverside. Ouch. A sensible alternative to purchasing more “E,” right? 

Not so much. Although she bragged at the party that she’d made-out with a perhaps unwilling amphibian, Blythe, 17, also told friends that she felt no effects either good, or to the opposite. Her friends mocked her and called her an idiot. Blythe eventually called it a night and retired to her home to have a sleep.

The next morning Sammy awoke with an abnormally swollen tongue which also had a rough and foul-tasting consistency to it. She looked at her tongue in the mirror and began to heave into the toilet uncontrollably. Her mother rushed her to St. Francis Medical Center’s ER department. It came out then when Blythe confessed to Dr.’s and her mother about exactly what she’d done the night before.

. . . It was difficult to keep a straight face as this young woman proceeded to tell me her story. She definitely chose the wrong toad,” said ER staff member Dr. Gary Rubin. The doctor confirmed that he’s seen numerous cases of teens appearing at the hospital undergoing side-effects of licking River Toads. 

Licking the ‘wrong toad’ can cause, on somewhat of a delay, a 3-week-long condition much alike ‘Black Hairy Tongue,’ which is a really gross ordeal to have and to go through. Blythe was discharged with a prescription for a round of antibiotics, and stout advice to, “Just say NO to toads.” The hospital staff is still trying to regain their composure. Source

Does Size Really Matter? 4 Ways a Small Penis Can Totally Rock Your World

Does Size Really Matter? 4 Ways a Small Penis Can Totally Rock Your World

Picture this: You've met an amazing guy with whom you have a phenomenal time. He makes you smile, laughs at your odd sense of humor, and then one night, you're hooking up and go for the grab. Ruh roh. It's on the small side—as in much smaller than any other penis you've encountered. Your heart sinks; this is gonna suck. Guess what? It doesn't have to. I'll tell you why (and it has nothing to do with art history).

Here are four reasons to give him a chance:
1. Here's a generalization that women I know have found to be true: Guys with smaller penises are much more eager to please.
Often times, men who are well-endowed feel like they can get away with less effort. Not so with guys with small penises. Dudes with smaller packages have been known to be extra attentive to a lady's pleasure zones, making them better lovers overall. Don't front, these guys may be experts with their hands (and tongues).

2. Bigger doesn't always equal better (orgasms). 

Remember most women do not orgasm from vaginal intercourse alone, so size has little to do with how powerful your orgasm is. As long as he knows how to navigate your body and what positions (and toys) get you off, your sex life can be even more satisfying than if he were a Mr. Too Big.
3. Sex doesn't have to hurt.
Are there certain positions you avoid because they are more painful than enjoyable? Having a partner with a small penis can actually be a plus because you can experiment with different positions without feeling like he's bruising your cervix.
4. There's more to a relationship than just sex.
Most of you are saying, "No duh, Ariane." But it's worth saying that if the guy is as awesome as you think he is, his penis should not be a determining factor in your relationship. Having a smaller penis could make him a more sensitive and less arrogant person in the bedroom and out. Just saying.
Does size matter to you? Have any of you been with a guy with a small penis? How did it go? Is it a deal breaker or do you think the positives outweigh the negatives?