Husband Noticed Mysterious Black Spots On Wifes Hand
The count of different kinds of rare diseases is increasing so frequently that now it's leaving many terrified, shocked and loathed while some are becoming the sympathized sufferers. Some of the diseases are so rare that the unlucky person who becomes victim to that disease gets his story famed all over. Here is the story of a couple who faced some very rare diseases that changed their life's brighter days into dark days
At first, the couple thought it was just a blood clots.
They applied Neosporin ointment and wart remover but nothing worked.
Situation got worse and in few days it got bigger.
One of the black spot opened and a small tissue came out.
They immediately decided to consult a plastic surgeon.
Surgeon quickly removed the growths
Now all the spots are removed completely from its place and not have grown again. The Surgeon told the couple that they were Pyogenic granuloma that was caused due to irritation, physical trauma and hormonal imbalance.
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